How To Perform Weekly Health Checks for Your Dogs at Home?

To take good care of your dogs, you need to recognize any problem that occurs with them. And that may be due to some diseases that may cause obvious symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, lameness, etc. While others can be more subtle and can be picked up in the early stages at least if you a vigilant owner.

Playing around with dogs can be helpful for you and your dogs to bond. Moreover, it is helpful to set aside some special time each week to check your dog and teach him to tolerate being examined.

This will stand him in good stead when he does need to go to the groomer or veterinarian. Or when you need to give medicines or apply treatments.

Giving your dogs a series of commands to associate with different areas being checked such as eyes, teeth, feet, and so on. It allows him to learn what to expect. Make treatment a fun task that uses plenty of praise to build his confidence.

During weekly checks, what should you look for?

When you carry out weekly checks, you will be alert to any changes in your dog’s normal appearance and behavior. Any signs of disease or abnormality can then be checked out promptly by your veterinarian.

01. Firstly, Check Above & Left:

Check above and left of Dog

Start by stroking your dog all over their body so that you get a brief idea about his fur, their thickness, and the appearance of the skin beneath.

Gradually feel the head, neck, and all over the trunk and tummy. As well as all four limbs and tail.

These are initial checks to get a brief idea about the dogs’ fur thickness, check swelling or loose skin if any.

And also check for tender areas. This is an area near your dog’s back. Slind down your hands down your dog’s back to make sure that there are no tender areas.

02. Check Deeper Under Skin:

Check deeper under dog skin

In this step, take a deeper check into the skin. I mean to say try to feel deeper so that you can recognize any swellings within or under the skin.


We perform this check to take note of any bumps or lumps into the skin so that we can make them checked by a veterinarian.

In case we forget the target area to get checked?

It is better to cut some hair nearby or around the target area so that you can find them again in the future.

03. Check Limbs:

Check dog limbs

Gently lift each limb of your dog and check one by one off the ground and move it back and forth. Ensure that your dog is comfortable while you do this.

Examine their paws carefully for grass, seeds, or splinters. Make sure that their nails are neither overgrown nor too short. This can indicate scuffing due to mobility problems.

04. Check Ears:

Dog ears

Ask your dog to sit and stay calm. And have a good look at his face. Start with his ears. Feel down ear flaps and around behind them. Then lift them and look into his ears.

Make sure the ear should be clean and most importantly should not smell.

Why do we check ears?

We check ears for the presence of a discharge of excessive wax. It could indicate a problem that may need attention.

05. Eyes:

Dog eyes

The eyes should be wide open and appear bright and clear. There shouldn’t be any discharge or excessive production of tears.

06. Nose:

Dog nose

Check the nose for signs of discharge, and make sure the skin is soft and supple and not cracked or sore.

07. Lips and Teeth:

Dog lips and teeth

Lift the lips and check the teeth. And then open the mouth and make sure the tongue appears normal.

08. If your dogs enjoy checks:

Finally, make sure that your dog enjoys this check. Make a big fuss of him and give him a healthy treat.

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