What Is the Best Treatment for Anxiety in Dogs?

Fireworks, during festivals, or a New Year event. Or booming in the house party. While everyone is bashing and enjoying. Is your dog under the bed? Cowering and drooling? Does he tremble during thunderstorms or bark and pace when someone fires a gun?

A dog’s hearing is extremely sensitive, and noise anxiety can be a resounding problem. In many cases, it is found that dogs crashed through plate glass windows and fallen a couple of stories onto the ground after hearing a thunderbolt. You cannot take lightly the fear of loud noises or noise anxiety in dogs. While cats may be startled by loud noises, they don’t get panic like dogs.

Top 13 Best Treatment for Anxiety in Dogs:

So specialists focus their attention on the canine crew. Here’s the list of what they recommend:

01. Do not pull out your Dog.

It is normal for a frightened dog to crawl into small spaces, under the bed or desk, or even into the bathtub. If the dog finds a place that seems to make him calmer, don’t try to pull him out. Because animals who find animals who find a place by themselves, find it safer to stay. And if you try to pull him out, it may cause an accident. And even cost your dog’s life.

02. Create a comfortable space beforehand:

Normally, dogs find a safer place to hide aside pots and pans and curl up inside a kitchen cupboard. While your dogs wouldn’t have to go this far if you can make it for him to find a place to hide.  If he likes it under the bed, clear out some room so he can get under it with ease. Or add a small extension to your desk that will leave room for both your legs and him.

03. Keep your Dogs inside Crate:

Dogs tend to be less scared when they have a place to call their own. Like we feel safe in house because it belongs to us. Crates and cages especially sold for dogs can act like dens in nature. They can make a dog feel safer and more protected. Covering the crate with a blanket or sheet will help your pet feel even more secure. Leave the door open, though, so he won’t feel trapped. It’s important to make it comfortable and pleasant inside, with his favorite toy and a nice blanket. But don’t force him in if he doesn’t want to go, because that will only make him more frightened.

04. Cover-up your pet with a Blanket:

Putting a blanket or sheet over a petrified pooch will often have a calming effect. Just make sure the blanket isn’t covering his nose.

05. Love & Pay Extra Attention:

Whether it is the bang of fireworks or the crash of thunder that has your pet trembling. Giving him an extra dose of attention will help calm his nerves. Give him plenty of comfort during a storm, just as you would a frightened child.  Don’t overdo it, however. too much cuddling and pampering may encourage him to make a big deal out of being scared in the future. Soothing words and a tow gentle pats are all he needs.

06. Sound that overpowers noise:

Sometimes just masking the fear-causing sound with another sound can help your dog relax.  Try a white noise machine. Or you can turn on your vacuum. Turning on the air conditioner can also help.

07. Relaxing Music can Work:

Relaxing music that has a regular beat will help calm your dog. Play something like one of English Reed. If you know you’re going to be gone during an upcoming thunderstorm or neighborhood skeet shoot, set a timer so the music turns on automatically. Just leave the tape or CD in continuous play mode and set the volume at a normal level.

08. Calm your Dog:

After a dog frightens, it is difficult to soothe him. While you can keep him calm by gently stroking his ear between your thumb and forefingers.

09. Play with your Dog:

One of the best ways to prevent noise anxiety is to play with your dog not only during thunderstorms or firecracker season but all the time. If he’s relaxed, he can’t be tense. He’ll learn he has nothing to fear.

10. Consider pet therapy:

To help animals overcome noise anxiety, experts use desensitization. While the process is complicated and requires a long-term commitment, the success rate is excellent. About three out of four dogs get much less anxious if the desensitization is done right, Ask your vet or local Humane Society for the name of someone who specializes in this technique.

11. Dog Anxiety Medications:

Besides relaxing with words and touch, you have other alternatives too. Vets commonly prescribe medications such as acepromazine or buspirone. It helps anxious pets get through the big booms.

12. Prevent Dog Anxiety Naturally:

Before resorting to prescription drugs, you might want to try an over-the-counter pet relaxant such as Pet Calm. They are very effective.

13. Go for a vacation with dogs:

It is probably your dogs may undergo a noise trauma. And simple home treatments may not work at all. Thus, take your dogs for a small vacation to a remote and quiet area, with no noise around.  Spend a good time with dogs. This can naturally heal your dogs to overcome trauma. And your dogs will surely appreciate it.


You cannot just ignore thinking your dogs can manage heavy sounds and noises. It can set a mental trauma that your dogs may start behaving unusually or leave you away.

Therefore, prepare a safe place for your dogs, cuddle them, give ample love. You can also provide vet-approved medications like acepromazine and buspirone.

Remember! Parties, festivals, playing with firecrackers, or natural calamities like a thunderstorm, all are for a few moments only, but your dogs are with you forever. They are the eternal friend of humans.

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