How to Treat Mange in Dogs at Home?

Mange may sound like a disease in stray dogs, but even your loved pets that are in all luxury and care can get mange. And it doesn’t only make for pretty dogs or cats.

What happens in Mange? Mange can cause a small, red, hairless area, or there can be almost no hair, with big pimples and thickened skin oozing all over.

What causes mange? Mange occurs when mites burrow under the skin. One form of the disease, demodectic mange, occurs when mites that normally live on your pet suddenly multiply beyond their normal levels.

There are two types of mange commonly found:-

  1. Demodectic mange
  2. Scabies

Demodectic mange is much more common in dogs than in cats and typically results in hair loss and scaling around the eyelids, corners of the mouth, and front legs.

A second form of the disease, commonly known as scabies, occurs when dogs or Cats pick up a strange bunch of bugs from another animal. This type of mange is not only contagious but intensely itchy as well. Moreover, you can easily treat scabies at home which is not in case of demodectic mange if it gets serious.

Only your vet can tell which type of mange your pet has, so it’s important to get a checkup at the first signs of trouble.

Once you know, here are some vet-recommended tips to make your pet beautiful again:

Important: The home treatment is applicable only when you find minor symptoms like itching, dog scratching, and some red spots on the face. If you find your dogs suffering hair loss, getting bald, it is severe and you must visit a veterinarian.

01. Demodectic infection cures with time:

A young dog with a demodectic infection will probably cure on its own.

As many as 90 percent of’ puppies with minor demodectic mange on the face or front half of the body recover with no treatment at all. However, if the problem isn’t getting better within a month or is actually getting worse, call Vour’s vet for advice.

02. A special bathe is necessary:

Pets that suffer from scabies often get intensely itchy. It is like having mosquito bites on mosquito bites. Soaking your pet in a lime/sulfur medication, such as Lymdyp, diluted with water. It will kill the mites and help relieve the itching.

Put your pet in the tub and douse him with the dip for 10 to 15 minutes. Don’t rinse when you’re done.

And don’t towel dry. The dip has to stay on the fur to work. In most cases, vets advise repeating the process once a week until the condition is better. It’s important to remember that products for dogs may be extremely dangerous if used on cats, so always check the label carefully. It’s also a good idea to call your vet for advice.

03. Scabies transfer from one pet to another:

If you have one pet with scabies, chances are good your other pets may get it, too. You have to assume they’ve been exposed, and you should treat them,

Screen your pet’s friends. Certain mange mites can be picked up by direct contact with other animals or from contaminated areas. Moreover, if you find a bald dog scratching a lot, don’t let your dog near it.

04. Thoroughly wash your dog’s bedding:

While mites spend their entire lives on the host animal, some will occasionally slip off and return to cause trouble another day. If your pet has recently been infested, it’s a good idea to thoroughly wash his bedding and the area where he sleeps.

05. Fatty Acid Supplements:

Moreover, even food supplements help cure skin diseases. Like, fatty acid supplements are fairly popular to use in skin disorders. Ask your vet if one of these products might be right for your pet.

06. Mange medications:

To help control the itching caused by scabies, your vet may recommend giving your pet an antihistamine like diphenhydramine (Benadryl). The usual dose is one to three milligrams for each pound of pet. Ask your vet for precise dosing instructions.

07. Keep your dog clean:

Regular grooming will help remove scaly skin and scabs caused by mange. Done regularly, it can also help keep your pet mange-free. Particularly if been keeping company with a mangy crowd. If you keep your pets clean with regular baths and brushing, they should be able to fight it.

08. Feed your dogs well:

Since mange often affects pets that are poorly nourished, giving your pet quality food can help provide protection. Additionally, you can also provide dry/wet dog foods that nourish and fulfill your dog’s nutritional requirements.

09. Do not hug infested dogs:

The tiny creatures that live on your dog are perfectly capable of transferring on to you. At least when you hug.

So if your pooch is infested, wait until after his first treatment before giving him loving hugs again.  Even then, you should wash your hands afterward.

10. Refrain from Oil Treatments:

Some pour motor oil onto their dogs thinking as a home remedy for mange, But, veterinarians say it doesn’t work as thought. In fact, since pets will lick the oil, it can be harmful. So leave the oil in the garage,

11. If nothing works, see a Vet:

If your pet suddenly starts getting bald because of mange, that decreasing hairline could mean he has a serious problem. While in the earliest stages of scabies(a common type of mange), you can treat it at home. A more serious condition is called demodectic mange. It always requires a veterinarian’s care.

Moreover, vets can distinguish between scabies and demodectic mange. Moreover, his problem is rare in cats. This type of mange usually occurs when a dog’s immune system isn’t strong enough to repel the mites that cause it.

Severe conditions that can lead to demodectic mange include cancer and hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a hormone deficiency that can weaken the immune system. Therefore, see your vet when the problem becomes severe like hair losses.


We learned how to treat our dogs if they suffer from mange. We discussed various ways that drive away from this disease like a lime/sulfur bath, regular cleaning, and grooming your dogs, or treating it with oral medications like antihistamine(if vets recommend).

Moreover, there can be other reasons to sin infections like poor nourishment, lack of immunity. And you can treat them well by providing the fatty dog supplements we discussed above. Lastly, if nothing works for you, consulting a vet becomes necessary.

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